Sunday, January 10

Naruto 478 by NVO


by: N.V.O (Itasuke)

(Battlefield scene)

-Itachi stares angrily-

Itachi: You went out of line, you were going to hurt Sasuke.

Sasuke: I-Itachi...?!...(How...) Brother!

Itachi: -Turns facing Sasuke- (..! Did, he know the truth?) -Stares at Madara-...(I bet it was him.)
Madara: ...(Itachi...what's happening?)

Karin: T-That guy looks like Sasuke! Is he, Itachi Uchiha?! but I thought he's dead!

Itachi: Sasuke, you followed the wrong path, all I wanted was for you to be the hero of Konoha, the one that avenges the Uchiha clan, and to end my life, a criminal, the murderer of the Uchiha clan. But it turned out to be I was wrong, none of what I wanted happened.

Sasuke: ...Brother! but I just wanted to avenge you! And by doing that I'll be also aven--

Itachi: Do you hear yourself Sasuke?

Sasuke: ...!

Itachi: You're acting like a child, listen to me, by that, you're being a criminal, a Rogue Ninja, and you're the only Uchiha clan alive, Madara not counted, and when you're dead, then that's that.

Sasuke: But--

Itachi: Then will you call it revenge? It's still not too late.

Danzo: Do not make me laugh. It is far too late for him to turn back! He's a wanted criminal for his doings! He will be---

-Itachi slashed Danzo's chest and cutting off his Sharingan arm by a Kunai-

Itachi: Aren't you a fine one to talk...

Sasuke: Itachi...
Danzo: Gah! -spits blood-...Tell me, how have you appeared?!

Itachi: It's simple. When I implanted my Mangekyo powers into Sasuke, I also transferred myself into him, it's like, a Reanimation Jutsu, my former body is just a mere shell of me now, this forbidden Jutsu is similiar to Orochimaru's substitution Jutsu, but, if Sasuke was going to follow the right path, I would've disappeared forever, but I knew something wrong was gonna happen, so I stayed and came out in the right time. Though this Jutsu shortens the life-span.

Danzo: ...! No way, I still do not get it! You should be dead! The--

Itachi: Die already. -Appears above him, Danzo slides back to dodge, but that Itachi disappears, as many crows forms behind Danzo, Itachi appears with a Kunai, Danzo then grabs Itachi's arm, then Itachi grabs him back-
Itachi: It's over for you.

Danzo: -Turns around- What?! (He can perform the Shadow Clone Jutsu so fast that I can't even see the hand signs!)

Itachi: I fooled you. -Jumps back as the Shadow clone that's grabbing Danzo explodes-

Danzo: ?! -Exploded and falls unconscious-

Itachi: Madara...

Madara: If it isn't my dear old friend, Itachi.

Sasuke: ...!
(Team-Sakura scene)

Sakura: I can see them!

Kiba: Let's go!

Rock Lee & Sai: Right!
(Kakashi & Sai scene)

Kakashi: So?

Sai: We're gonna reach Sakura and the others soon.

Kakashi: Right.

Sai: But the problem is, they are gonna reach Sasuke sooner.

Kakashi: What?! Let's move faster. -Focuses his chakra on his feet, as he rushes 3 times as fast-

Sai: ...?! He' fast...
(Mizukage scene)

Mizukage: Are you sure?!

Ao: 100% Sure.

Mizukage: Then let's move!

-They rush towards Sasuke and the others-
(Battlefield scene)

Itachi: There's something I must do. Sasuke stay back.

Sasuke: ?!

Madara: Hm...(That ruins my plans I guess, oh well.)


What will happen next?! Itachi vs Madara?! Will the others arrive on time?!

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